The "SPI Bus Level" Bar (Figure 2.21, “The "SPI Bus" bar”) allows to read and write the data over the SPI bus.
Figure 2.21. The "SPI Bus" bar

The "Spi ReadWrite" button shifts out (writes) and in (reads) a stream of up to 256 bytes to/from the SPI slave device. The shift operation is occurred in a full duplex data transmission mode.
The "Spi Write" button shifts out (writes) a stream of up to 256 bytes to the SPI slave device.
The "Spi Read" button shifts in (reads) a stream of up to 256 bytes from the SPI slave device.
The "Length" field allows you to enter the number of bytes to be shifted. Maximum value is 256.
The "Data" field allows you to enter the data to be shifted. You can type hexadecimal values (from 0 to FF) to the field. To enter more then one value separate them by space.