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A DLN adapter generates the DLN_I2C_SLAVE_EVENT_READ_WRITE events each time the I2C master device initiates receiving data from or transmitting data to the I2C slave address assigned to the DLN adapter.


Use the DlnI2cSlaveSetEvent() function to configure events. Pass DLN_I2C_SLAVE_EVENT_READ_WRITE for the eventType parameter.

The DLN_I2C_SLAVE_EVENT_READ_WRITE events are described by two structures:

  • The DLN_I2C_SLAVE_READ_EV structure describes the I2C read event details: event counter, I2C slave address and port number, and the buffer size. The header of the structure contains the msgId field that is set to DLN_MSG_ID_I2C_SLAVE_READ_EV (0x0C10).

  • The DLN_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_EV structure describes the I2C write event details: event counter, I2C slave address and port number, the buffer size and the received data. The header of the structure contains the msgId field that is set to DLN_MSG_ID_I2C_SLAVE_WRITE_EV (0x0C11).

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