Use the I2C Slave Interface functions to control and monitor the I2C Slave module of a DLN-series adapter. The dln_i2c_slave.h
file declares the I2C Slave Interface functions.
General port information:
- DlnI2cSlaveGetPortCount()
Retrieves the total number of I2C slave ports available at your DLN-series adapter.
- DlnI2cSlaveEnable()
Assigns a port to the I2C Slave module.
- DlnI2cSlaveDisable()
Releases a port from the I2C Slave module.
- DlnI2cSlaveIsEnabled()
Retrieves whether a port is assigned to the I2C Slave module.
- DlnI2cSlaveLoadReply()
Loads data to be transmitted to an I2C master device.
I2C Slave module configuration functions:
- DlnI2cSlaveGeneralCallEnable()
Activates I2C general call support.
- DlnI2cSlaveGeneralCallDisable()
Disables I2C general call support.
- DlnI2cSlaveGeneralCallIsEnabled()
Retrieves whether I2C general call support is activated.
- DlnI2cSlaveGetAddressCount()
Retrieves the number of I2C slave addresses supported by the DLN adapter.
- DlnI2cSlaveSetAddress()
Assigns an I2C slave address to the specified I2C slave module.
- DlnI2cSlaveGetAddress()
Retrieves one of the I2C slave addresses assigned to the specified I2C slave module.
I2C Slave event functions:
- DlnI2cSlaveSetEvent()
Configures event generation for an I2C slave port.
- DlnI2cSlaveGetEvent()
Retrieves event generation configuration for an I2C slave port.
- DlnI2cSlaveGetSupportedEventTypes()
Retrieves the list of event types available for an I2C slave port.