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"I2C Configuration" Dialog Window

In the “I2C Configuration” dialog window (Figure 2.2, ““I2C Configuration” dialog window”) you can change the settings of the I2C bus. To open this dialog window select "Options/I2C Configuration".

Figure 2.2. “I2C Configuration” dialog window

“I2C Configuration” dialog window

In the "I2C bus" drop list you can choose the frequency of the I2C bus. It can have one of the following values:

  1. Fast mode (400 kHz);

  2. Standard mode (100 kHz);

  3. Any value in the range 2 kHz – 83 kHz.

Select the “Clock Synchronization” check-box to turn on the clock synchronization (Clock Stretching). This option is only available for the frequencies below or equal to "Standard-mode" (<=100 kHz). In "Fast-mode" this option is unavailable.

The “Clock Synchronization Timeout” field allows to change the clock stretching timeout value (integer number from 1 to 65535). Clock synchronization (clock stretching) timeout value specified as multiple of 100 microseconds.

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