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Connectivity components serves for device initialization and connecting operations.


Component for connecting to DlnServer service. This component should be run first before any other operations with DLN-series adapter.


Input connectors:

host DLN Server valid host. By default host is "localhost".
port DLN Server valid port. By default port is "9656".
error in Input connector excepts error information wired from the VI previously called.

Output connectors:

reference out Dln.Library output reference.
Connect Dln.Connection, dln.net.
error out Output connector with error information wired from the VI previously called.
Component for closing connection with DlnServer service. Also closes reference for .NET object, which was opened and used by DlnConnect VI component.

Input connectors:

reference Dln.Library, dln.net
connection Dln.Connection, dln.net
error in Input connector excepts error information wired from the VI previously called.

Output connectors:

error out Output connector with error information wired from the VI previously called.


This component opens connection with the single connected device.

Input connectors:

error in Input connector excepts error information wired from the VI previously called.

Output connectors:

Open Dln.Device, dln.net
error out Output connector with error information wired from the VI previously called.


This component opens device by ID number, which can be assigned and changed by user.

Input connectors:

id ID number to be set to connected DLN-series device.
error in Input connector excepts error information wired from the VI previously called.

Output connectors:

OpenById Dln.Device, dln.net
error out Output connector with error information wired from the VI previously called.


Средняя: 2 (1 оценка)


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