The DlnSpiMasterSetFrameSize() function sets the size of a single SPI data frame.
DLN_RESULT DlnSpiMasterSetFrameSize( HDLN handle, uint8_t port, uint8_t frameSize );
A handle to the DLN-series adapter.
A number of the SPI master port.
A number of bits to be transmitted. The DLN-series adapter supports 8 to 16 bits per frame.
The function successfully configured the size of a SPI data frame.
The port number is not valid. Use the DlnSpiMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.
The frame size is not valid. The DLN-series adapters support 8 to 16 bits per transmit.
The SPI master is busy transmitting.
The default frame size is set to 8 bits. To check the current frame size value, use the DlnSpiMasterGetFrameSize() function.
The DlnSpiMasterSetFrameSize() function is defined in the dln_spi_master.h file.