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A DLN adapter generates the DLN_GPIO_EVENT_LEVEL_HIGH events each time the level on the input pin rises.


Use the DlnGpioPinSetEventCfg()function to configure events. Pass DLN_GPIO_EVENT_LEVEL_HIGH for the eventType parameter.

If the eventPeriod is zero, the DLN adapter generates single events when the level on the input pin rises (after transition from low to high level).

If the eventPeriod is non-zero , the DLN adapter resents events periodically with the eventPeriod interval while the level is high:

DLN_GPIO_EVENT_LEVEL_HIGH events with period

A series of events begins when the level on the GPIO line rises. At this moment, the DLN adapter sends the first event in the series. The eventCount field of the first event is set to zero and the value field is set to 1 to reflect the actual value on the GPIO line. Then, while the level on the GPIO line remains high, the DLN adapter repeatedly sends events. The same value in the value field stays the same. The eventCount field increments for every new event. The interval between recurring events is equal to eventPeriod milliseconds. You can calculate the time passed from the last level rise (time = eventCount * eventPeriod).

When the level on the GPIO line drops, the series of events ends. When the level on the line rises again, a new series of events begins. The eventCount field is reset to zero.

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