This section describes the PWM Interface functions. They are used to control and monitor the PWM module of a DLN-series adapter.
General information:
- DlnPwmGetPortCount()
Retrieves the number of ports that can be assigned to the PWM module.
- DlnPwmEnable()
Assigns a port to the PWM module.
- DlnPwmDisable()
Unassigns a port to the PWM module.
- DlnPwmIsEnabled()
Retrieves whether a port is assigned to the PWM module.
- DlnPwmGetChannelCount()
Retrieves the number of channels available to the PWM port.
- DlnPwmChannelEnable()
Activates a channel of the PWM port.
- DlnPwmChannelDisable()
Releases a channel of the PWM port.
- DlnPwmChannelIsEnabled()
Retrieves whether a channel is activated.
Configuration functions:
- DlnPwmSetDutyCycle()
Configures the duty cycle value for the specified PWM port.
- DlnPwmGetDutyCycle()
Retrieves the current duty cycle value for the specified PWM port.
- DlnPwmSetFrequency()
Configures the frequency value for the specified PWM port.
- DlnPwmGetFrequency()
Retrieves the current frequency value for the specified PWM port.
- DlnPwmGetMaxFrequency()
Retrieves the maximum frequency value for the specified PWM port.
- DlnPwmGetMinFrequency()
Retrieves the minimum frequency value for the specified PWM port.
The dln_pwm.h
file declares the PWM Interface functions.