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DlnGpioPinDisable() Function

The DlnGpioPinDisable() function disconnects a pin from the GPIO module. Then, another module can use the pin.

Скрыть Syntax
DLN_RESULT DlnGpioPinDisable(
   HDLN handle, 
   uint8_t pin
Скрыть Parameters

A handle to a DLN-series adapter.


A number of the pin that you want to configure.

Скрыть Return Value

The function successfully disconnected the pin from the GPIO module.


The pin number is not valid. Use the DlnGpioGetPinCount() function to find the maximum possible pin number.


The GPIO module does not use the pin, so the pin cannot be disconnected from the module.

Скрыть Remarks

When you use the DlnGpioPinDisable() function, the pin configuration settings are not lost. They are saved in the internal memory. Later, if you reassign this pin to the GPIO module by using the DlnGpioPinEnable() function, the pin configuration is restored.

The DlnGpioPinDisable() function is declared in the dln_gpio.h file.


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