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DlnSpiMasterEnable() Function

The DlnSpiMasterEnable() function activates the selected SPI master port on your DLN-series adapter.

DLN_RESULT DlnSpiMasterEnable(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint16_t* conflict

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the SPI master port.


A pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer that receives the number of a conflicted pin, if any.

A conflict arises if the pin is already assigned to another module and cannot be used by the SPI module. To fix this, check which module uses the pin (call the DlnGetPinCfg()function), disconnect the pin from that module and call the DlnSpiMasterEnable() function once again. If there is another conflicting pin, its number will be returned.

Return Value

The function successfully activated the SPI master port.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnSpiMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The port cannot be activated as the SPI master port because one or more pins of the port are assigned to another module. The conflict parameter contains the number of a conflicting pin.


The function cannot be executed because all DMA channels are assigned to another modules of the adapter.


DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters do not allow to change the SPI master configuration after the port is assigned to the SPI master module. Therefore, make sure you have configured the SPI master port before you enable it.

The DlnSpiMasterEnable() function is defined in the dln_spi_master.h file.


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