The DlnSpiMasterSetDelayBetweenSS() function sets a minimum delay between release of an SS line and assertion of another SS line. For more information, read SPI Delays.
DLN_RESULT DlnSpiMasterSetDelayBetweenSS( HDLN handle, uint8_t port, uint32_t delayBetweenSS, uint32_t* actualDelayBetweenSS );
A handle to the DLN-series adapter.
A number of the SPI master port.
The delay value in nanoseconds. If you specify an unsupported value, it will be approximated as the closest higher supported value.
Actual set delay value in nanoseconds.
The function successfully set the delay after one SS line is released and before another SS line is asserted.
The port number is not valid. Use the DlnSpiMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.
The SPI master is busy transmitting.
The delay value has been approximated as the closest supported value.
The DlnSpiMasterSetDelayBetweenSS() function is defined in the dln_spi_master.h file.