I2C Master Interface

All DLN-series adapters support I2C master interface. Some of them can have several independent I2C ports. To know the number of available I2C master ports, use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function.Before using the I2C bus for transmitting data, you need to configure the I2C master port and enable it (see Configuring the I2C Master Interface). To stop using the I2C master port, you can disable it by the DlnI2cMasterDisable() function.

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Configuring the I2C Master Interface

To start using the I2C master port, you need to configure the I2C master interface:

  1. Configure the I2C frequency. This parameter influences the speed of data transmission. For details, read I2C Speed and Frequency.

  2. Configure the number of attempts to resend data if Not Acknowledgement is received. For details, read Reply Count.

  3. Enable the I2C master port. If the pins of the I2C port are not used by other modules, you can enable the I2C master port by the DlnI2cMasterEnable() function.

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I2C Speed and Frequency

I2C bus specification describes four operating speed categories for bidirectional data transmission:

Standard-mode (Sm)

a bit rate up to 100 kbit/s

Fast-mode (Fm)

a bit rate up to 400 kbit/s

Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)

a bit rate up to 1 Mbit/s

High-speed mode (Hs)

a bit rate up to 3.4 Mbit/s

One more speed category, Ultra-fast mode (UFm), stands for unidirectional data transmission up to 5 Mbit/s.

Configuring the I2C master interface, you can specify the frequency value by calling the DlnI2cMasterSetFrequency() function.

The range of supported frequency values depends on the DLN adapter:

  • DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters support frequency from 1kHz up to 4MHz.

  • DLN-4 adapters support frequency from 1.47kHz up to 1MHz.

The quality of I2C lines, the values of pull-up resistors and the number of slaves connected to the I2C bus may influence the working frequency of the I2C bus. Besides, the frequency reflects the speed of a single byte transmission, but not the speed of transmitting all data. It is a fact that the time of data processing can exceed significantly the time of data transmission. That is why data transmitted at high speed can have no effect on the speed of the I2C bus if delays between bytes are longer than the bytes themselves.

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Reply Count

The I2C transmission expects an Acknowledge bit after every byte. This bit is sent by a slave and by a receiver:

  • A slave sends an Acknowledge bit after the slave address and direction bit to signal that the device with the specified address is present on the I2C bus;

  • A receiver sends an Acknowledge bit after a data byte to signal that the byte was successfully received and another byte may be sent.

The Acknowledge signal is LOW on the SDA line that remains stable during the HIGH period of the ninth pulse on the SCL line. If the SDA line remains HIGH during this clock pulse, this is defined as Not Acknowledge signal. In this case, the master has the following options:

  • Generate a STOP (P) condition to abort the transmission;

  • Generate a repeated START (Sr) condition to start a new transmission.

DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters provide one more option for the I2C master:

  • Generate a STOP (P) condition followed by a START (S) condition to start the same transmission from the very beginning.

This option allows to repeat transmission if acknowledgement was not received. By default, transmissions can repeat 10 times. If all these times acknowledgement was not received, the transmission is supposed to fail. If acknowledgement was received, the transmission is successful.

Using the DlnI2cMasterSetMaxReplyCount() function, you can change the maximum number of attempts to transmit data. The DlnI2cMasterGetMaxReplyCount() function allows to check the currently specified number of attempts.

This option is available only for DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters.
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I2C Addresses

DLN-series adapters support only 7-bit addressing. To start transmission, the I2C master generates the START (S) condition followed by seven bits of a slave address and an eighth bit which is a data direction bit.

Some vendors provide 8-bit addresses for their devices. Actually, this is the 7-bit slave address and the direction bit. It is important to use only top 7 bits as the slave address and to discard the least significant bit of such address.

7-bit addressing allows 127 different addresses. Some addresses are reserved (See Slave Address and Data Direction), only 112 devices can actually be connected to the I2C bus. To scan all possible addresses and to find devices connected to the I2C bus, us the DlnI2cMasterScanDevices() function. It returns the number of connected devices and the list of their addresses.You can use these addresses for I2C transmission in one of the following functions:


Receives data from the specified slave. Internal address can be specified (See READ Operation for details).


Sends data to the specified slave. Internal address can be specified (See WRITE Operation for details).


Sends data to the specified slave, then reads data from the same slave (only DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters support this function).

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Simple I2C Master Module Example

The following example shows how to operate with I2C master module. You can find the complete example in the “..\Program Files\Diolan\DLN\examples\c_cpp\examples\simple” folder after DLN setup package installation.

#include "..\..\..\common\dln_generic.h"
#include "..\..\..\common\dln_i2c_master.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\bin\\dln.lib")

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	// Open device
	HDLN device;

	// Set frequency
	uint32_t frequency;
	DlnI2cMasterSetFrequency(device, 0, 100000, &frequency);
	// Enable I2C master
	uint16_t conflict;
	DlnI2cMasterEnable(device, 0, &conflict);

	// Prepare output buffer
	uint8_t output[8], input[8];
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) output[i] = i;
	// Write bytes 
	DlnI2cMasterWrite(device, 0, 0x50, 1, 0, 8, output);

	// Read bytes
	DlnI2cMasterRead(device, 0, 0x50, 1, 0, 8, input);
	// Print input data
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) printf("%02x ", input[i]);

	// Disable I2C master
	DlnI2cMasterDisable(device, 0);
	// Close device
	return 0;

  • Line 1:#include "..\..\..\common\dln_generic.h"

    The dln_generic..h header file declares functions and data structures for the generic interface.

  • Line 2:#include "..\..\..\common\dln_i2c_master.h"

    The dln_i2c_master.h header file declares functions and data structures for the I2C master interface.

  • Line 3:#pragma comment(lib, "..\\..\\..\\bin\\dln.lib")

    Use dln.lib library while project linking.

  • Line 10:DlnOpenUsbDevice(&device);

    The function establishes the connection with the DLN adapter. This application uses the USB connectivity of the adapter. For additional options, refer to the Device Opening & Identification section.

  • Line 14:DlnI2cMasterSetFrequency(device, 0, 100000, &frequency);

    This function sets frequency on the I2C bus. It is set in Hertz. Any frequency value can be provided to the function, but only device compatible frequency will be set. You can read the actual frequency value by providing pointer to the unsigned 32-bit integer variable. You can read more about I2C bus speed and frequency by navigating to I2C Speed and Frequency section.

  • Line 17:DlnI2cMasterEnable(device, 0, &conflict);

    This function enables I2C master module.

  • Line 21:for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) output[i] = i;

    Fill output array with the values from 0 to 8. It will be used as data buffer for sending it via I2C bus.

  • Line 23: DlnI2cMasterWrite(device, 0, 0x50, 1, 0, 8, output);

    This function sends provided data buffer via I2C bus to connected I2C slave device. To send data properly to slave device it is required to provide also slave device address and memory address. You can read more about I2C addressing at I2C Addresses.

  • Line 26: DlnI2cMasterRead(device, 0, 0x50, 1, 0, 8, &input);

    This function reads data from the I2C slave device. The parameters are almost similar to the data writing process.

  • Line 28: for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) printf("%02x ", input[i]);

    Print to console data, which was read from the I2C slave device.

  • Line 31: DlnI2cMasterDisable(device, 0);

    Disable I2C master port.

  • Line 33: DlnCloseHandle(device);

    Closing handle to the previously opened DLN-series adapter.

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I2C Master Functions

Use the I2C Master Interface functions to control and monitor the I2C Master module of a DLN-series adapter. The dln_i2c_master.h file declares the I2C Master Interface functions.

General port information:


Retrieves the total number of I2C master ports available at your DLN-series adapter.


Assigns a port to the I2C Master module.


Releases a port from the I2C Master module.


Retrieves whether a port is assigned to the I2C Master module.


Scans all slave addresses searching for connected I2C slave devices.

I2C Master module configuration functions:


Configures frequency for the specified I2C master port.


Retrieves frequency configuration for an I2C Master port.


Configures the maximum reply count for an I2C master port.


Retrieves the maximum reply count configuration.

Transmission functions:


Receives data from the specified slave. Internal address can be specified.


Sends data to the specified slave. Internal address can be specified.


Sends data to the specified slave, then reads data from the same slave (only DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters support this function).

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DlnI2cMasterDisable() Function

The DlnI2cMasterDisable() function releases the specified port from the I2C Master module.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterDisable(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.

Return Value

The function deactivated the I2C master port successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The DlnI2cMasterDisable() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterEnable() Function

The DlnI2cMasterEnable() function assigns the specified port to the I2C Master module.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterEnable(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint16_t* conflict

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


A pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer that receives a number of the conflicted pin, if any.

A conflict arises if a pin is already assigned to another module of the DLN adapter and cannot be used by the I2C master module. To fix this, check which module uses the pin (call the DlnGetPinCfg()function), disconnect the pin from that module and call the DlnI2cMasterEnable() function once again. If there are any more conflicting pins, the next conflicted pin number will be returned.

Return Value

The function activated the I2C master port successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The port cannot be activated as the I2C master port because one or more pins of the port are assigned to another module. The conflict parameter contains the number of a conflicting pin.


The DlnI2cMasterEnable() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterGetFrequency() Function

The DlnI2cMasterGetFrequency() function retrieves the current I2C bus clock frequency.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterGetFrequency(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint32_t* frequency

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that receives the current I2C bus clock frequency in Hz.

Return Value

The function retrieved the current clock frequency value successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The DlnI2cMasterGetFrequency() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterGetMaxReplyCount() Function

The DlnI2cMasterGetMaxReplyCount() function retrieves maximum reply count for I2C master port.

This function can be used only for DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters.
DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterGetMaxReplyCount(
    HDLN handle, 
    uint8_t port, 
    uint16_t *maxReplyCount

A handle to the DLN adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


Pointer to the variable that receives the current maximum reply count value.

Return Value

The function set the maximum reply count successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The DlnI2cMasterGetMaxReplyCount() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() Function

The DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function retrieves the total number of I2C master ports available at your DLN-series adapter.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t* count

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A pointer to an unsigned 8-bit integer that receives the number of available I2C master ports.

Return Value

The function retrieved the number of available I2C master ports successfully.


The handle parameter is invalid, or the corresponding DLN adapter was disconnected.


The DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterIsEnabled() Function

The DlnI2cMasterIsEnabled() function checks whether the specified I2C master port is active or not.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterIsEnabled(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint8_t* enabled

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


A pointer to an unsigned 8-bit integer that receives information whether the specified I2C master port is activated. There are two possible values:

  • DLN_I2C_MASTER_DISABLED (0) - The port is not configured as an I2C master.

  • DLN_I2C_MASTER_ENABLED (1) - The port is configured as an I2C master.

Return Value

The function retrieved the state of the I2C master port successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The DlnI2cMasterIsEnabled() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterRead() Function

The DlnI2cMasterRead() function reads data from the specified I2C slave device.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterRead(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint8_t slaveDeviceAddress,
   uint8_t memoryAddressLength,
   uint32_t memoryAddress,
   uint16_t bufferLength,
   uint8_t* buffer

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


A 7-bit number, assigned to each I2C slave device. For additional details refer to the I2C slave address section.


An internal address length. If set to zero, no internal address is sent.


An internal I2C slave device address. For details, read Using Internal Addresses.


The size of the message buffer (in the range from 1 to 256 bytes).


A pointer to an array of unsigned 8-bit integers that receives data from the I2C slave device during the function execution. The array must contain at least bufferLength elements.

Return Value

The function executed the I2C read operation successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The function cannot execute the I2C read operation because the specified I2C master port is not active. Use the DlnI2cMasterEnable()function to activate the I2C master port.


The DlnI2cMasterRead() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterScanDevices() Function

The DlnI2cMasterScanDevices() function scans all the 127 slave addresses searching for connected I2C slave devices.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterScanDevices(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint8_t* addressCount,
   uint8_t* addressList

A handle to the DLN adapter.


A number of the I2C master port scan for I2C slave devices.


A pointer to an unsigned 8-bit integer that receives the number of found I2C slave devices.


A pointer to an array of unsigned 8-bit integers that receives the addresses of found I2C slave devices. I2C address is 7-bit long, so the most significant bit of the received integers will always be equal to zero. Some vendors specify the 8-bit addresses in their documentation. If you need to convert a 8-bit I2C address to 7-bit address, take a look at I2C address article.

Return Value

The function scanned the I2C addresses and found all connected I2C slaves successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The function cannot scan I2C addresses while the I2C master port is busy transferring.


The function cannot scan I2C addresses because the specified I2C master port is not active. Use the DlnI2cMasterEnable()function to activate the I2C master port.


The function failed to scan all slave addresses.


The DlnI2cMasterScanDevices() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterSetFrequency() Function

The DlnI2cMasterSetFrequency() function configures the clock frequency for the specified I2C port.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterSetFrequency(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint32_t frequency,
   uint32_t* actualFrequency

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


I2C frequency value, specified in Hz. You may specify any value within the range, supported by your DLN adapter. This range can be retrieved using the respective function. If you enter an incompatible value, it will be approximated as the closest lower frequency value, supported by the adapter.


A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer that receives the actual frequency applied by this function. The frequency is specified in Hz. If the frequency specified in frequency parameter is supported, the actual frequency will be equal to it. Otherwise, the closest lower value will be applied. If NULL is specified in this parameter, the actual frequency value will not be returned. You can still use the DlnI2cMasterGetFrequency() function to check the actual frequency.

Return Value

The function set the I2C master port clock frequency value successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The function cannot change frequency while the I2C master port is busy transferring.


The function approximated the frequency value to the closest supported value.


The DlnI2cMasterSetFrequency() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterSetMaxReplyCount() Function

The DlnI2cMasterSetMaxReplyCount() function sets maximum reply count for I2C master port.

DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters cannot send a single slave address and direction bit without data bytes. This is a firmware driver limitation. Therefore, an adapter cannot read a single byte at all possible addresses. Retrying every read/write operation 10 times is set by default in firmware I2C driver, but using the DlnI2cMasterSetMaxReplyCount() function you can modify this parameter.

This function can be used only for DLN-1 and DLN-2 adapters.
DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterSetMaxReplyCount(
    HDLN handle, 
    uint8_t port, 
    uint16_t maxReplyCount

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


Maximum reply count value.

Return Value

The function set the maximum reply count successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The function cannot change the maximum reply count while the I2C master port is busy transferring.


The provided value is zero or not valid.


The DlnI2cMasterSetMaxReplyCount() function is defined in dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterTransfer() Function

The DlnI2cMasterTransfer() function sends and receives data via the I2C bus. The data is sent and received as an array of 1-byte elements.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterTransfer(
    HDLN handle, 
    uint8_t port, 
    uint8_t slaveDeviceAddress, 
    uint16_t writeLength, 
    uint16_t readLength, 
    uint8_t *writeBuffer, 
    uint8_t *readBuffer

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port.


The I2C slave device address value.


The length of data that should be written to the slave device.


The length of data that should be read from the slave device.


A pointer to an array of unsigned 8-bit integers that receives data to be sent to the slave during the function execution.


A pointer to an array of unsigned 8-bit integers that receives data from the slave during the function execution.

Return Value

The function transmitted data via the I2C bus successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The function transmit data via the I2C bus because the specified I2C master port is not active. Use the DlnI2cMasterEnable()function to activate the I2C master port.


The specified buffer size is not valid.

DLN-4 adapters do not support this function.

The DlnI2cMasterTransfer() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.

DlnI2cMasterWrite() Function

The DlnI2cMasterWrite() function sends data to the specified I2C slave device.

DLN_RESULT DlnI2cMasterWrite(
   HDLN handle,
   uint8_t port,
   uint8_t slaveDeviceAddress,
   uint8_t memoryAddressLength,
   uint32_t memoryAddress,
   uint16_t bufferLength,
   uint8_t* buffer

A handle to the DLN-series adapter.


A number of the I2C master port to be used.


A 7-bit number, uniquely assigned to each I2C slave device. See I2C address section for additional information.


An internal address length. If set to zero, no internal address is sent.


An internal I2C slave device address. For details, read Using Internal Addresses.


The size of the message buffer in bytes. This value must fall within a range from 1 to 256.


A pointer to an array of unsigned 8-bit integers that receives information to be sent to a slave during the function execution. The buffer size must not exceed 256 bytes.

Return Value

The function executed the I2C write operation successfully.


The port number is not valid. Use the DlnI2cMasterGetPortCount() function to find the maximum possible port number.


The function cannot execute the I2C write operation because the specified I2C master port is not active. Use the DlnI2cMasterEnable()function to activate the I2C master port.


The DlnI2cMasterWrite() function is defined in the dln_i2c_master.h file.