Use "SPI Master Port Configuration" software application to configure the SPI master interface of your DLN-series adapter. You can also configure the SPI master interface by clicking the "Configure" button in SPI Master Read/Write program.

Software Description
"SPI Master Port Configuration" software application allows you to configure the following SPI Master parameters:
- SPI Master Port Enabled
- This parameter allows to enable/disable SPI Master port. You should always enable this parameter before operating with SPI master interface. However you can change the states of other SPI Master parameters regardless of the state of current parameter.
At CPOL=0 the base value of the clock is zero.
- For CPHA=0, data are captured on the clock's rising edge (low→high transition) and data are propagated on a falling edge (high→low clock transition).
- For CPHA=1, data are captured on the clock's falling edge and data are propagated on a rising edge.
At CPOL=1 the base value of the clock is one (inversion of CPOL=0).
- For CPHA=0, data are captured on clock's falling edge and data are propagated on a rising edge.
- For CPHA=1, data are captured on clock's rising edge and data are propagated on a falling edge.
- That is, CPHA=0 means sample on the leading (first) clock edge, while CPHA=1 means sample on the trailing (second) clock edge, regardless of whether that clock edge is rising or falling. Note that with CPHA=0, the data must be stable for a half cycle before the first clock cycle. For all CPOL and CPHA modes, the initial clock value must be stable before the chip select line goes active.
- Frequency
- This parameter allows to set SPI Master port frequency.
- DLN-1 USB-SPI Interface Adapter supports SPI clock frequency from 2 kHz up to 4 MHz.
- DLN-2 USB-SPI Interface Adapter supports SPI clock frequency from 2 kHz up to 18 MHz.
- DLN-4M and DLN-4S USB-SPI interface adapters are more powerful. They support SPI bus clock frequency up to 48 MHz, but the low frequency bound for them are only 376 kHz.
The Frequency parameter is rounded to the nearest compatible frequency value.
- Frame Size
- The size of the SPI frame.
- Release SS Between Frames
- Release the slave select line between successive SPI frames. Only for DLN-4M and DLN-4S adapters.
- Delay Between Frames
- Delay between successive SPI frames transmission. Only for DLN-4M and DLN-4S adapters.
- Delay After SS
- Delay after SS line assertion and before start of data transfer. Only for DLN-4M and DLN-4S adapters.
- Delay Between SS
- Delay after DLN-series adapter releases one SPI slave select line and before it asserts the another SPI slave select line. Only for DLN-4M and DLN-4S adapters.
- Slave Select Pins
- Slave Select pins to be asserted during the SPI transfer.