I2C Interface

I2C Interface components help to operate with I2C Master and I2C Slave ports by configuring port properties and transferring data.


Component for opening I2C Master port which can be configured and used by user.


Input connectors:

reference Dln.Device, dln.net
port index I2C Master port number
error in Input connector excepts error information wired from the VI previously called.

Output connectors:

port get_Item Dln.I2cMaster.Port, dln.net
error out Output connector with error information wired from the VI previously called.



Component for opening I2C Slave port which can be configured and used by user. This component will operate correctly only with DLN-4S adapter.


Input connectors:

reference Dln.Device, dln.net
port index I2C Slave port number
error in Input connector excepts error information wired from the VI previously called.

Output connectors:

port get_Item Dln.I2cSlave.Port, dln.net
error out Output connector with error information wired from the VI previously called.


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