The DlnGpioGetDebounce() function retrieves the current value of the debounce interval (the minimum duration of the pulse to be registered). See Debounce Filter for details.
DLN_RESULT DlnGpioGetDebounce( HDLN handle, uint32_t* duration );
A handle to the DLN-series adapter.
A pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. After the function executed, this integer is set to the debounce interval value.
The function retrieved the debounce interval successfully.
The adapter does not support debounce filtering.
The debounce interval is actual for all GPIO pins with the enabled debounce filter. To change the debounce interval value, use the DlnGpioSetDebounce() function.
The DlnGpioGetDebounce() function is declared in the dln_gpio.h file.